Old 06-30-2013, 08:41 AM
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Sharon and Dabbler, you are so right about a power outage being fun... As long as you know things will be back to normal soon. It sounds like you and your family had such a great time Sharon. Our family has always played games like that too. Our kids do with their friends as well.

My grandma cheated at Yahtzee. She would just keep on taking rolls, or turn over dice when no one was looking. For her the game was to see how much she could get away with without being caught. And when you did catch her, she would do this thing we all referred to as giving you the Evil Eye. It was creepy and funny all at the same time. She was quite a character.

Krystyna, that sounds just like you...befriending the check point guys and bringing them coffee. They must have really appreciated it. My goodness what you went through boggles the mind. A coffee self portrait, what a great idea!
You've reminded me of something my hubby did during a blizzard in early October back in 1987 when we lived near Albany. The weight of the snow on all the leaves knocked over a lot of trees and there were electric wires down everywhere. We had no power for a week. My DH made it his mission to go to Stewarts and buy up their coffee and deliver it to all the volunteer firemen who stood guard around the downed poles near where we lived.
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