Thread: Romantic acts
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Old 07-05-2013, 06:23 PM
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My DH married me when I was a single mom of 3 kids. He raised them as his own and we had 3 more together. He loves all the kids and grandkids. My DD asked him to be Godfather to her first child and that showed me that my DD loved him right badk. I remember one Christmas, we had the kids and grandkids and my parents over for Christmas dinner and had just unwrapped all the presents and the room was a mess, he went to the fireplace and pulled out a Walmart bag. Inside was 4 small gifts....all for me. The first one was a baby food jar of sand. The second was a baby food jar of water, and the 3rd was a yellow Nerf ball with construction paper sunglasses and "sunrays" around it. I said this looks like a beach and then he handed me the 4th one. It was the plane tickets to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico for a 5 day vacation for him and me...just the 2 of us. He had made arrangements at work for the time off for me and made arrangements for my mom to stay with the kids. All I had to do was pack! It was wonderful! We just celebrated 28 years of marriage and are looking forward to many more.
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