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Old 07-15-2013, 12:10 PM
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Originally Posted by Nilla View Post
I recently did a rather dense pantograph with wool batting. I guess it was the wool batting, but after washing, it crinkled so much that you really have to look hard to see the design. It kind of seems a shame to have taken the time to do a specific feathery pattern that you really can't see easily. I plan to try a less dense pantograph with wool batting when I finally get time to do another and see how that turns out.
(this is surprising to me) I've used lots of wool batts- my favorite batting---and all of them I've used do not shrink --anywhere near as much as a warm & natural batt shrinks- I think it was probably your fabric that shrank---did you prewash your fabrics? the quilt that lives on my bed in the summer time is a whole cloth with wool batting- lightweight, fabulous---the quilting stitches show wonderfully--I know some of the 'big name' quilters use wool batting in their show quilts because it shows the stitching so beautifully.
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