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Old 07-15-2013, 01:20 PM
Join Date: Jul 2013
Location: Louisiana for 50yrs
Posts: 4

Do you teach this QAYG method? Would you be willing to share instructions on how to do this Log Cabin Quilt? I've taken two classes and always got stuck not finishing my quilts b/c there wasn't time and the teacher gave us instructions that I couldn't understand on how to finish my quilts. I've bought books on quilting blocks and putting them together, but there again the books weren't User-friendly and I couldn't understand how they explained it. All I'm not clued into is the Sashings that go between rows and Binding. The attaching those seems complicated to me and some use batting in their sashing and some don't. Doing the Blocks is simple enough depending on the pattern. The Fun-n-Done method was the easiest to follow and finish for me but I didn't like the finished look of the sashing. Any Advice/Help you will give me I'll APPRECIATE....tnx, Judy
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