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Old 07-25-2013, 06:16 AM
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Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Winchester, VA
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Originally Posted by dunster View Post
Last December I posted pictures of two vintage quilt tops that I received from the guild's free table. I believe these quilts were made from fabric from the 1930's, but if someone has more information about that I would love to hear it. I finally got around to working on the 8-sided star top. The seam allowances were very small throughout the quilt, and as a result many of the seams were open. The fabrics seemed to be thin and worn in many places, probably an indication that the top had been made from well-used clothing. Only one block contained a fabric (I think it was taffeta) that was so deteriorated that it had to be replaced. The construction of the top made me think that perhaps it was made by a new quilter since the blocks weren't square. It wasn't worth the time for me to attempt a real restoration (and anyway I don't have the knowledge or skill), but I thought this pretty little top needed to become a quilt. So I repaired some of the seams from the back and others from the front with a satin stitch. For quilting, I decided that a fairly dense swirl pattern would be necessary to hold the remaining seams together, even though it wasn't really appropriate for when the top was made. I used Warm and White batting and a good quality bleached muslin for backing. Here is the result.
Oh Dunster - this is just BEAUTIFUL!!! All of your practice on your Long Arm is certainlly paying off!! The quilting on this is just beautiful.......I cannot believe this top was on a free - give away table! Just Lovely!!
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