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Old 07-25-2013, 06:43 AM
Just Jan
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Thanks everyone for your kind compliments and comments. I talked with my sister yesterday and she said she now has the quilt on her bed! LOL She said her therapy is extremely painful. Or to quote her, "It's a walk thru He**!" Her left side is paralized and they are trying to get her to be able to walk again. I'm sure she is in it for the long haul, and it breaks my heart. Hopefully the bright colors of her quilt will help cheer her up. Yesterday she seemed more alert and commented on some of the scrap fabrics in her quilt and mentioned some of her own WIPS and said she sure wishes she could sew! (She's in PA and I'm in FL so I can't get them and finish them.) Reminds me how blessed we all are that we can work on our stuff, and its been a real motivator for me to work on my own WIPS. I sandwiched and quilted one of my many WIPS this week and will post pix later. Currently working on another one. I should be able to finish it this weekend. Please keep her in your prayers. Thanks. Jan
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