Thread: Art Quilters?
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Old 07-28-2013, 04:47 PM
CarolynA's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Tucson, AZ
Posts: 16

It's nice to hear from you too! Suzie, and good to hear about the progress on your home. I'm not fully unpacked yet, and my fabrics, as well, are in plastic bins. I lost my workshop with the sell of our home, so I will have to make another--one of these days..... For now, it's the dining room table. After you choose your flooring, let me know what kind of "floorquilt" that you would like to construct. When you are ready, I will talk you through the process, based on the photos from my shop. We can use this thread if you like, so that others who are interested can follow along. I'm still planning on that tutorial, but after a major move, and my dad, who had triple-by-pass surgery, only to find out that he is terminal from Mesothelioma, I've been very pressed for time. So hang in there, once the home is finished, you will be constructing more quilts then you will know what to do with, including floorquilts! Have a great end-of-the-weekend! Carolyn
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