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Old 07-31-2013, 12:38 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota
Posts: 984

I guess I'm really lucky (or not), because just buying fabric doesn't excite me. I love buying for a particular project, and I have four ready to go, but it would never occur to me to just buy fabric because it's beautiful. I need a pattern in mind to visualize the fabric I want for it. So far, I've been really good about buying only what I can complete. I've made about 24 projects in the two years I've been quilting. I'm really collecting quite a few scraps though, so I need to find a couple of controlled scrappy quilts to use them up. I don't think I will ever fall prey to the hoarding bug. Too much fabric would drive me crazy. I would feel guilty that I wasn't using it all up. I do think that having four projects in waiting is pushing my limit a little. Got to get busy.
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