Old 08-07-2013, 05:44 AM
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Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: Illinois/Wisconsin
Posts: 878

My niece and her husband are living in their 2nd modular home in the mountains west of Golden, Colorado. I was able to visit them in their 1st home and it was breathtakingly beautiful. They love their new home.

My only concern for you is the integrity of the builder. Be absolutely sure that because of the situation, you and other home owners are not being taken advantage of. Check references and find out everything you can about the company. If others who are in your same situation have one of these homes, see if you can't speak to them and have a "walk thru". Unfortunately, there is always someone out there wanting to make a "killing" on unsuspecting victims of tragedies. Good luck. Yolanda Wood River
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