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Old 08-11-2013, 11:02 AM
Jan in VA
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Originally Posted by nativetexan View Post
..... I have many, many quilt tops to finish up also. but I keep seeing things (fabric) laying around my sewing room and grab those and start cutting and sewing. Then I must finish those, so the tops of old still wait......
There are many of us who "quilt" like this; many feel guilty about creating so many UFOs by working this way.

BUT, I encourage you to realize that this is just a variance of artistic method. For instance, I took me a while -- a few years, actually -- to realize that I love discovering how the patterns and colors work together; finishing the project isn't necessarily always the interest. If I have learned something -- how that green is surprisingly close to the the other mediums rather the light I thought it was, and therefore, doesn't give the whole enough contrast in values to be fully eye-appealing -- then "spending" the fabric on the process (not the project) still makes it a valid quilting experience.

I still save these efforts in a UFO container (containERS!) and occasionally I send them off to the community quilts project through our quild. I'm always delighted at how someone else makes sweet lemonade out of my "eh - lemons".

If you can't see this as a valid way to work, then just remember that many great artists left works unfinished, and no one denies their genius!

Jan in VA
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