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Old 08-14-2013, 02:24 AM
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I too was impressed with these machines at the LB Quilt Show but my D?H had just bought me a Baby lock Jane so I was in no position to purchase another machine but took all the information in case I win the lottery. Yes, it was not a nice to look at as a Sweet 16 or Tiara but the price was certainly more affordable.

Originally Posted by mckwilter
I had researched the HQ Sweet 16 last year because I have back and hip problems and cannot be on my feet for more than 10 minutes. I have to sit for a few minutes to relieve the pain, then I can get up again. I was all set to pay the $4,000, but decided to wait until after the International Quilt Festival held in Houston each year. At the show, I saw a machine that was very similar to the HQ in two models -- the "Take it Anywhere" and "Table Unit" modles. The machine only weighs 35 lbs., so the Take it Anywhere model (which has a clear quilting surface) can be moved very easily. And the price was less than half what HQ was asking. That was a show special price, but the regular price was still less than the HQ. The couple who owned the booth are the manufacturers of the machine and they are in Tennessee. My sister and I sat and FMQ'd and talked to the saleslady for quite some time, discussed it at length at home that night, and went back and each of us bought one the next day. I like not having anything to block the fabric on either side, and I can set it on any table I want. Our guild has a charity quilt night once a year where we finish quilts that have been made and donated, and I plan to take my Sunshine 16 this year, because doing baby quilts with a large stipple are a breeze with this machine.

As a side note, I have a Bernina with a stitch regulator, which I never use. I found that if I set the speed where I want it, I can run the machine at a consistent speed, then all I need to worry about is moving my hands smoothly.

If you want more information about the Sunshine 16, PM me and I will give you their information. And no, I will not make anything off the referral. I just want to see an American business stay in business and see fellow quilters get a good machine.
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