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Old 08-18-2013, 05:35 PM
Senior Member
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Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: Barefoot Bay, FL and Pelham, NH
Posts: 719

My DH and I downsized as well as assisted Dad in doing the same. As suggested we measured the new home and decided what would go there. Then allowed family to take what they wanted. In both cases we moved into our new homes then held an estate sale. Typically the liquidator gets 25% but they take care of everything. In our case it was great. Absolutely everything was sold and we got a nice chunk of change. Our Realtor spent the day of the sale at the house which actually resulted in a buyer :-). My Dad's did not work out so well. Not much sold. We were then faced with giving things to charity and in the end throwing out. It's a lot of work but so nice to be in a smaller place with a lot less "stuff". Best of luck to you.
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