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Old 08-25-2013, 10:54 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 145

Sorry it has taken me so long to reply to the questions. It was inspired by Penny Halgren's tutorial and also by racerh with her lovely quilt.I started off with an 8 inch triangle but found that to get the effect of the cubes escaping the quilt would have ended up about 20 ft long.I remade the large bottom cube using a 7 inch triangle and then made smaller ones each time.The very small hollow cubes start with 1 inch triangles . They were a bit of a fiddle but I managed to do them.The small solid cubes are raw edge . I used batiks and painted the edges with fray stopper.The cubes within the cubes are appliqued too.I used several different methods to secure them.some have the edges turned under and I used invisible thread, by hand and by machine. I used Bonda-web( wonder- under). I think it's called in the US .I hope this helps. It really wasn't hard to do . Oh ,I forgot to say ,on a couple of the cubes where the inner cube didn't fit very well I just opened up the seam of the outer cube and tucked the smaller inner one inside.Thank you for all the lovely comments. I very much appreciate your replies.
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