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Old 08-27-2013, 10:44 AM
Join Date: Jul 2013
Posts: 51

Originally Posted by J Miller View Post
I'm officially so green with envy I could blend in with the bushes by my front porch. You are the second person to find one of these recently.

I've never even seen one for sale. Waaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

awwwwwww I am sure there is one out there for you!

I am sure they are much rarer on your side of the pond, I'm in Sweden and the German machines are not so unusual here it seems... however I have never seen a hand crank over here and I would love a nice one.
I just had my son in law buy me a postproduction one while he is in the states from sewclassic but I know they aren't really that nice....
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