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Old 08-29-2013, 09:14 AM
Join Date: Jul 2013
Posts: 51

Yeah!! Good luck! How long til it arrives?
around a week, perhaps sooner

They're hard to find in North America. Someone on QB said that there were problems bringing the Open arm machines into The US for some sort of reason - patents or something, so the US got very very few if any when theese would have been new. Canada would have gotten "more". I know an OSMG and his wife sews on a 421G. I have a 431G (had 2), and have had up to 3 411Gs (down to 1), all of which I've come across in the last year. I get the impression that it would be harder to come across that many in one area of the states in that time frame though. But, these are 50+ year old machines. Some of them are ...uh... about to start out lasting their original owners, and so few people really sew anymore compared to 50 years ago, they're going to start being seen.

interesting, i thought we had more free arms here as the Husqvarna were very early with a free arm and to sell the others needed one too...
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