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Old 09-09-2013, 06:37 PM
Super Member
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Michigan. . .FINALLY!!!!
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I have a history of loosing Debit Cards - at home!!! I was getting ready to go somewhere and had my debit card & keys in my hand. I decided to check the mail before I got into the car. There was some letters and a quilt magazine. I got to the store and couldn't find the debit card anywhere. I searched my car completely more than once. I went home and retraced my steps but no sign of the card. I went straight to the bank, cancelled the card and got a new one. Later that evening I was browsing thru the quilt magazine and guess what fell out- my now defunct debit card.

Another time I remembered carrying my card out to my car. I stopped at a couple of places but paid cash. At my last stop I went to use my card. No where to be found! Searched the car and decided I must have lost it at one of my earlier stops. Off to the bank, cancelled card, got new one. As I pulled into my driveway, I saw something laying on the ground. Yep, my 2nd now defunct debit card!!

the worst part of this story is that both occurrences happened in a 14 day period!!!
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