Thread: Blessings
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Old 09-12-2013, 08:23 AM
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Originally Posted by Quilting Grandma View Post
55 years two kids eloped from Kansas to Oklahoma------stood before God and promised to ---
4 children, 15 grand children and 7 great-grand kids later, we have been truly blessed.
The years have flown by so fast. The promises have held strong. Probably more in love that when we started.
I am blessed with an honorable man. We have grown to cherish every day together.
God is indeed Good and cares for his children.
52-3/4 years ago, two kids eloped from Minnesota to Iowa to the Little Brown Church in the Vale ------stood before God and promised to----"for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health forsaking all other until death do us part."

One son, three grandchildren, one great-grand son and a great-granddaughter on the way. And we were truly blessed. Yes, the years flew by soooo fast. The promises have held strong, also and probably more in love than when we started. Our saying between the two of us was always "More than yesterday - less than tomorrow."

I was blessed with an honorable man. We grew to cherish every day together. And the days went too fast.

He passed away in March, 2013 and still God is indeed GOOD and He does care for His children. Edie

PS Think about that quote and love - "More than yesterday, less than tomorrow."

Last edited by Edie; 09-12-2013 at 08:26 AM.
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