Thread: Seasonal quilts
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Old 09-17-2013, 05:10 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Oct 2011
Posts: 113

I love different holiday quilts. My passion right now is hand embroidery mixed in with quilts blocks. I have four of the Crabapple Hill Halloween quilts done and out, as well as a pumpkin quilt that carries me through Thanksgiving. For the past four years I have been making embroidery patterns out of my DFIL's childhood valentines. The first quilt was redwork and the last one I also incorporated crayon tinting with the embroidery. Christmas and Easter each have a couple quilts to represent the holiday and I leave my patriotic quilts out from Memorial Day to Labor Day. After Christmas I bring out the snowmen quilts. Each season also has a tote bag to represent it. Changing things around makes life interesting and celebrating the holidays and seasons in these small ways makes time slow down a bit--now that I'm over 60 it is speeding up! Besides unpacking those quilts after a year is like reacquainting yourself with an old friend.
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