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Old 09-20-2013, 12:36 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2011
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[QUOTEiElisabrat;6296522]ohh goody! I think today we get names! fabric lots of beautiful fabric, not sure which to cut yet as I said I could do either so patience once again for the brat. oh shoot that isn't fun at all this patience stuff. lets do away with that and just go to the now part. You might guess I have a heck of a time with a present you receive that your told not to open til.. it says just open me a tiny bit.. just peak a tiny bit.. oh heck open it no one will know you can retape it if you have to. Yup that is me.[/QUOTE]

Brat, I just read this and have to tell you one Christmas when I was maybe 8 yrs old I snuck into our den, got under the tree and oh so carefully (I thought) opened every one of my gifts. I then carefully (thought) re-taped them back. Of course it was obvious to my mom with her "mom eagle eyes" that all of my pkgs had been "tampered" with. Being the smart cookie she was (still is, despite her thinking she's not due to chemo brain) she didn't say one word about it.. I just knew I was "home free"! Along comes Christmas morning..we are all getting set to open presents..I opened my first one I oohed and aahed, acting surprised (poorly, no Oscar for me). In our family, the tradition is 1 person opens 1 gift, next person then opens 1 gift. We start youngest to oldest, go around, repeat til all gifts are opened. When my turn came around again, less enthusiasm, as I knew what was in the box. As you have probably guessed, that year stands out in my mind as the least fun one for me (on gifts, not the true meaning of Christmas, at least for me). I had spoiled my own fun..and my mom was so smart to know that's exactly what would happen. It was yrs later that I mentioned it..she and I both had a good chuckle at how I meted out my own punishment..every yr since then, it's a standing joke that someone wraps up a pkg of tape for me with a tag addressed to Nosey Rosey. Note inside says " In case you run out next time you need to re-seal your own pkg." It's then signed "Santa"..
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