Thread: Jury Duty
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Old 10-04-2013, 07:35 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Durham, NC
Posts: 851

Got called this summer but Bonnie Hunter/Mickey Depre "saved" me. It was a malpractice suit. Jurors were asked if any had conflicts for the next week. I asked what about the week after? When my name was pulled, FORTUNATELY the C of C remembered my question and so I was asked about a conflict the following week. At that point it was revealed that the trial was expected to run for three weeks. My conflict was a quilting retreat with Bonnie and Mickey collaborating. Then I was asked if I missed it, how would I feel about loosing my nonrefundable fee. I said I would be out right much money but that I would have to do the best I could. Then it came to how much money. When I said over $500 not counting the hotel and travel expenses you could hear the jury pool gasp audibly. I was excused. Folks in my little rural community couldn't grasp that kind of expense for quilting. It was worth it at twice the price! What a great quilt class and DH went with me and bought a motorcycle (trike) from one of the other husbands! We both came home happy.
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