Old 10-04-2013, 09:21 PM
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Originally Posted by grann of 6 View Post
So I have a great idea....let's pack our SS giftboxes according to how much our SS partners post on the thread. If they don't post much then they don't get much, if they post a lot they get a lot. I bet that would get them posting some more jabber.
Yikes! I'd better say more then cause I didnt give any specifics! Lets see like I posted I live in no mans land, way up in N Michigan. no big fabric store! 2 small LQS but I dont drive so dont get there very often! I am visually impaire, dont match colors well. Been quilting about 4 yrs, self taught! - yikes a visually impaired self taught quilter! Lol. Thank goodness for LA a I don't top quilt! Can't see the mistakes , easier to hide them in seams! Lol. don't like bright, loud colors, love oriental fabrics! Can't cut straight so thank goodness for June Taylors cutting strip system! Not sure what else to post!!!
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