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Old 11-03-2013, 01:38 PM
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Southern Arizona
Posts: 20
Default Fixing/Replacing Old Binding

A client brought me a quilt, that her grandmother made for her, to repair the binding. The binding was/is single fold 1/4" wide and wearing badly. After talking removal vs attach over existing, she decided to have me remove the old and replace with new-closely-matching-color quilt store quality fabric. My dilemna is whether or not to wash the new binding fabric. Here is my thinking........The quilt was hand-quilted and has already been washed a few times, so the top is a little crinkely. The front is cotton, but the backing feels like polyester blend batiste, so it's not so crinklely. The old binding is crinklely. If I don't wash the new fabric, it will be smooth, and next wash, it should crinkle and fit the overall look of the quilt. If I do wash it, it will also be flat, and not really crinkle the next time it is washed. Is the area between the old quilt and new binding going to look like it doesn't belong? I am thinking I should NOT wash the fabric, (as it will be flat whichever plan I follow) and will shrink next wash. Thoughts on what I should do? Does my thinking make sense? What experiences have others had replacing binding on an older quilt? THANKS!!!
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