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Old 11-03-2013, 04:28 PM
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Originally Posted by Daylesewblessed View Post
I agree to wash the binding fabric before using it.
I am one of those that seldom wash my fabric (I do test for colorfastness) but in this case, I WOULD wash the fabric and do a double fold binding. Hope that since the quilt is hand-quilted that you will hand stitch the binding to the back. So many quilters now do all their binding by machine. I have an antique quilt and the single fold is wearing even tho I have never used the quilt. My Grandmother's aunt piece the quilt top. I bought it from her on one of my many road trip to NYC from CA. My Great Aunt Maude's quilt group hand quilted it. I don't know why she bought this glow in the bright orange as backing but I have been told to replace and others have told me to leave it alone. I wish you the best of luck !!
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