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Old 11-08-2013, 11:29 PM
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Join Date: Aug 2011
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Oh my goodness, Sheri, you will check for more of that darling fabric for me, really?? What a nice offer!! I would love 1 yard, but will take whatever. If they do have more, I want to pay you for it, and pay the postage. Um, see Tlambing, sometimes unbecoming begging works!!!

Ellie, I also open my pics with paint, go to resize, make sure pixel box is checked, put 640 on first line, second line auto fills, hit ok, then save it. It works fine so far.

Brat, I betcha your hubby thinks you are a pretty gal. I just think some men (lots of em) give compliments a tad him saying he fell for you due to your strength. If that's the case, I know he has to think you're beautiful! You're one of the strongest people I know!! Ok, cue Hallmark card commercial music.... My dh doesn't drink either...or hasn't in 30 years. I must say he always makes me feel beautiful, this is where that old saying "Love is blind" comes into play!! We both just have the same twisted sense of humor. Since we have been together since I was 16 and he was 18, then married right after I graduated high school, seems our humor works for us! Actually I tease and say we married for love, stayed married so there wouldn't have been a custody fight over our son, now that son is grown we stay together because both of us are so old and decrepit no one else would have us!! But truthfully he is my best friend...and he never says a word about my quilting addiction! He may give a side glance, or a lil "Sure you needed that honey" when I am showing new "pretties", but that's all. AND, I don't gripe about his fishing, hunting, woodworking, or working with our son on hubby's "real love", the 1967 Camaro he bought when he was 14.
In spite of my occasional grousing, life truly is good! Now I am going to hush before all of you gals are snoring...
Have to say that fq that looks like lattice pie crust has me hankering for pie now...just sayin'...

Last edited by kiffie2413; 11-08-2013 at 11:39 PM.
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