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Old 11-27-2013, 01:40 PM
Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 45

Originally Posted by grammatjr
We work at the University of Nebraska - Lincoln. So our show is called UNL Employee Quilt Show.
Obviously I could get some UNL themed thing - but they are usually more pricey than my budget! LOL
Great idea though!
I assume there is a cafeteria on campus; if so, why not solicit free lunch coupons from the caterer. Everyone likes to eat! Also, since all of you work at the campus, I would contact the front office and ask if they would be willing to donate anything since it is an employee function. Also, if you do community charities, contact your local businesses for donations. Typically, most will be glad to assist - good for their business.

I do commend you on taking on the responsibility of this function, it is not an easy task especially when there is no budget. Perhaps in the future, you could increase the cost of the show tickets and $s allotted for the gifts for the following year. I'm sure whatever you are able to do will be appreciated by all. Good luck!

Last edited by abc123; 11-27-2013 at 01:44 PM.
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