Old 11-29-2013, 06:25 AM
PB from MN
Join Date: May 2011
Posts: 48

I like to roast them. I peel and cut into large cubes or wedges, toss with lightly with Canola oil. Put onto a baking sheet and bake at 350F until tender roughly 45 minutes depending on size cut, stirring a couple of times. I serve them with sour cream, if desired.

This is just a basic recipe, the spices/herbs can change. The baking time and temp is adjustable if you are using the oven for other things. I also add cubed/wedged potatoes (not peeled), carrots and onions (onions are added towards the end so they do not burn).

Okay, to be honest, I do not often toss in oil. I spray the pan with a pan release (such as Pam) and spray the veg and good to go.

PB from MN
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