Thread: Is it bad?
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Old 12-13-2013, 06:31 PM
Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: I live in the small town of Lebanon oregon
Posts: 85

I am the same way! I just can't have more then one thing going at a time! But u better believe I am thinking about a bunch if projects I want to do!!
Originally Posted by Jingle View Post
I always totally finish one quilt before starting another. While I am finishing up a quilt I start planning the next one.
I have given all my family, some friends and some I don't even know as many quilts as I want to. I am just storing these until I find someone that needs a quilt.
I have no projects for Christmas. I will get most Grandkids Gift cards and will buy 6 month old Great Grandson a stuffed animal. Grandkids range from 26 to 11.
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