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Old 12-15-2013, 03:59 AM
Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Elkhart Lake, Wi.
Posts: 5

I am mainly a looker on the quilting board and very seldom respond. I do enjoy the board and hope to get more involved in it. This one really caught my attention. I have been having health problems this last year. My eyes have been very watery but I was also doing a lot of sneezing and having several allergy and misc. problems. When I went to the eye doctor in October I complained about this and his first question was: How much fish do you eat each week? the second question was: Are you taking fish oil vitamins? He said that if you do not eat fish 3-4 times a week any older person needs to be taking fish oil supplements. So I now am taking them. I immediately told my daughter about this and she commented that her eye doctor told her that a couple of years ago and that she had mentioned it to me. So she has been taking them for the last two years and when she went in for her appointment last year her eyes had improved and were she is back to having 20/20 vision. This is not an automatic cure but may be of some help.
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