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Old 12-17-2013, 08:30 AM
Join Date: Sep 2013
Posts: 5
Default I'm hearing that there really wasn't a whole lot of standardization as far as cabinet knee levers go lol
Thank you for all of the pictures that you've shared, I really appreciate it. I'll have to think about how I can fit the lever in the cabinet. I think that I will need to mount it on the outside of the front of the cabinet to ensure that it has clearance when the machine is folded away. Mostly it looks like the machine will be resting on/against the cords if I mount it on the inside of the front. That means that I'll have to mount it backwards and continue pressing it the wrong way, unless I want to put it on the left side, and my left leg and hip won't stand up to pressing it for long seams due to an old injury. As a bonus I think having it on the outside will make it easier to remove when I need to put another machine in there to work on. Things to ponder.

I hope your day at work goes better than mine, I walked in and the boss took one look at me and said GO HOME I don't want whatever you have. So I came home and finished putting the border on a top and now I'm going to nap.
PS The thread cutting has slowed down considerably, I think going over it with the steel wool helped, plus I'm being more careful not to sew empty stitches. I also noticed when I was disassembling it that the bobbin case seemed a bit loose so I've been careful to really get it seated well. However the quilt I was working on has a lot of points so I have some thick spots to sew over, and the friction pulley started slipping at the points so I think it's time to adjust the motor spring and scuff up or replace the rubber. If it isn't one thing, it's three LOL

Last edited by enjay; 12-17-2013 at 08:37 AM.
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