Old 12-18-2013, 08:38 AM
Join Date: Dec 2013
Posts: 92

It's been a LONG week already, is it over yet?

Little Miss is here, it's "just" hip dysplasia, so she's doing fantastic. Mom and her are coming home today, nephew is staying with me at least tonight still. Just easier for everyone. He's a VERY proud big brother, but he wants to make sure her Christmas stocking is finished, so we're doing that tonight. Plus, I'm a lot closer to his school, so for this week, it's easier on everyone if he just stays over until winter break. No trying to get Little Miss bundled up to go out in the cold, getting everyone going in one direction at 7:30 am with a new baby who will probably disagree with that idea, and nephew and I just head over to visit everyone after school, then come home.

Yesterday just was rotten. Had to fire someone for coming in drunk. He's a problem, but he also has kids. But sigh, he made his choices. I still feel horrible for it however. If he hadn't been on restriction already, I'd have just sent him home without pay for the day, but I didn't have that option any longer.

As such, give me the chocolate and I don't care right now. Bad me.

Yeouch about the seldge hammer vs foot!
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