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Old 01-05-2014, 08:08 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2013
Posts: 314

I have TONS of quilts I'd like to make but I'm trying hard not to make specific choices till I'm ready to actually start a new a quilt. Right now, I'm working on a Dr Seuss quilt; need to finish the borders today and then I can sandwich and quilt it. After that, I want to make a practice quilt for FMQ for the Leah Day class on Craftsy. And I am going to finish up a UFO throw quilt that looks like tissue box tops for my DD and her new husband, then make them a bed size churn dash quilt for their wedding quilt (her choice of design; I will choose the fabrics for it but it will be blues, greens and browns - very earthy).

After that ... I do have plans to make the 2012 Craftsy BOM. I've been collecting yellow,gray, black & white prints for it for some time now and I'm ready to start on it. I didn't like the 2013 BOM and I'm waiting to see what the 2014 looks like before I decide if I want to do it (supposed to be released today, or that's what they said when I asked on FB).

After that, I've got a baby quilt to make (jelly roll Dr Seuss, design is very simple but don't know of a name for it; something I saw at the Quilt Festival in November). I don't know what else will be on tap this year, but I'd really like to get some of my UFO's finished soon, so some of those might come back to the top of the list - I got so bad about buying fabric and not using it/not finishing the project that my husband and I made a deal. We both have a separate checking account for "mad money" and we each get a set amount each pay period. I buy the fabric out of my account and then once it's a finished quilt, I get the money back from the household account. You would not believe the number of quilts I've finished as a result. It keeps me going on quilts I'm not really thrilled with and that would probably become UFO's because I want my money back! LOL And a lot of times, I'm surprised to find that once a quilt is finished, I don't dislike it as much as I did when I was working on it.

Also this year, I am going to push myself to do things that are a bit more challenging. I was away from quilting for a while and used the last couple of years to rebuild my skills. Now I need to move to something that I can actually put those skills to work.
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