Thread: fleas----help
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Old 01-10-2014, 07:53 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Illinois
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Check with the vet for treating your pet. I was told this past summer to reduce the time between treating the cat since the fleas were esp bad. As to treating the house. My parents were married in 1936 and moved into a house with a crawl space that was infested with fleas. The recommendation from the extension service at that time was to sprinkle napthalene flakes into the space. This is nothing more than moth balls! In today's world you may find moth balls made with another substance so watch which ones you are finding. I've used this same treatment when we had them in the carpet. It works and is cheap enough. We spread the moth balls over the carpet, under sofa cushions, etc. when we were going to be gone for the day and swept them up when we returned. No fleas!
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