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Old 12-12-2009, 07:46 PM
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: East Central Indiana
Posts: 68

Originally Posted by Image00
Hello y'all, I just joined yesterday and am enjoying the posts. I haven't quilted before so I am trying to learn.
Can anyone tell me what a design board or wall is and how do you make one?
It is a board/wall that you can "stick" fabric pieces to, like felt.. I have heard some people say they've used tablecloth backs or large piece of felt-like material that can lay or be hung from the ceiling or higher place.. it's where you can place your cut pieces of fabric to make the design you want, with the option of moving them around. Maybe some else can explain it a little better. Hope this helps.. just ask.. there are lots of very fantastic, knowlegeable people on here that are happy to help!
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