Old 01-28-2014, 05:24 AM
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Krista, I agree with a yellow or orange (and I hate orange) color to make it better. Oh, hurt me! It would mean a trip to the stash or, better yet, a visit to the fabric store. You have 4 center colors, so if you add one more to make 5, it'll look better, because it will follow artist's rules of using odd numbers. Also, the large color blocks are what catch my eye. So, i'm wondering if there's a way to place them so they look good, but don't "take over." You have a gorgous start, hope you keep going.

So, on my home front, I finished the binding on the "Take Five" I posted earlier. So now I'm finishing one of Paintmejudy's mysteries. Not enough fabric (and let's face it...desire to get it done) limited how big I made it. So showing it to my mother was a mistake, as the comments were, "Is that all the bigger it will be? How will it be used?" Well, my, oh my! Anyway, I'm working on SID today hope to get this finished this week. Cheers to all of you UFO finishers!! This thread is helping me. Thanks!
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