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Old 02-01-2014, 10:15 AM
AnneTa's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2014
Location: Belgium
Posts: 27

As most say: do what is most comfortable for you... If you get even stitches while lap-quilting, just don't hesitate!
Don't let anyone force you into some way you 'should' quilt.
(When I learned quilting, the teacher in the local quiltshop - who made rather large stitches - told me mine were too small. I tried and tried, but couldn't quilt with larger stitches and still have them even. That way my joy of quilting has been taken away for years, until I read the book by Roxanne McElroy, who seemed to favour my 'too short' stitches.)

Quilt the way that gives you the most satisfying experience, both during the quilting as with the result!
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