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Old 02-05-2014, 04:20 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Org. Texas now Florida
Posts: 846

Snip the thread, you want a blunt end, no wild fiber hairs sticking out.
Hold the thread between your finger and thumb, pull the thread back down until there is only a dot of thread showing
Lay your needle eye down on the dot. Open your finger just a tad while setting the eye down, once you think it is down, roll your finger and thumb back up. The thread should be between your finger and thumb. I done this so many times I can almost do this without looking. lol AND go to the dollar tree and pick up some glasses. you want to be able to see 10 to 12 inches away clearly. you want to see black thread on black material. I have at least 6 pair all over the house. I wear a 2.50.
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