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Old 02-05-2014, 11:40 PM
Super Member
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: England Alton Towers
Posts: 6,674

I'm trying to remember the make of big eyed needle which definately do a 10 as that is the only size I use.

Before threading,the end of the thread that comes from the spool, cut thread at 45' and then wet the eye of needle . DO NOT WET IN ANY WAY THE THREAD. Wet thread expands . Now hold needle in a position where you can easily see the eye to push thread through. Now cut thread length to about 18 inches, no longer.

When in the groove thread as many as you can in onego.

Good luck.
If having trouble find a friend. When having problems one day had my teenager nephews and friend fill about 20 . needles, the friend said he always did this for his gran.
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