Old 02-09-2014, 05:27 AM
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Location: Wills Point, Texas
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Brat, you're not alone! Thanks to someone else suggesting batiks, I got into my scraps of them. Had a bunch of charms cut, but not enough. Looked around & saw all the scraps from the last batik sitting on my ironing table waiting to be cut into & put into the scrap bins. I did come up with my 52 for this project, but I also greatly increased my bins! Worst of all, I'm not finished cutting those scraps up! Thanks Judy for making me clean up what i was putting off! Only thing is, I'm not finished! Hopefully I'll get those scraps tamed today & put away.
P.S. I've also been up since 3 a.m. working on this project, just took a break to feed GS breakfast!
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