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Old 02-25-2014, 08:55 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: Texas
Posts: 983

It seems for me that I can't get 2 projects going at once as there is always a baby quilt that needs to be made quickly. Case in point (I am a self taught beginner) I cut out an lap throw kit for my DH 8 months ago and with everyone around me having babies I have just now gotten back to his & already have 2 dog quilt to make for London (you might have heard of him, a pit bull puppy at the time was abused so much his front legs were broken beyond repair so the amputated) so those are next on my list. After those I hope to get back on track of making each of my 6 kids quilts & 9 (so far) grandkids quilts.. I do have to say my very 1st start to ending quilt was a Bubble or Puff quilt..NEVER AGAIN! I jumped feet 1st into quilting with that one UGH
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