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Old 02-26-2014, 06:20 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Jun 2010
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I look a pattern over as well as I can and try to understand it. Then I dive in. I have found what looks difficult or beyond me, is not. Sometimes there are a few mistakes, oops not sometimes most times. And anyone sitting around me knows what I am thinking. lol You never learn unless you try it and do go at it slow.
Originally Posted by racerh
Well Donna, I am the exact opposite! I look at something and if I love it I commence on my mission to do it. Many times I am sure it is above my level of expertise and I can often be heard swearing aloud and under my breath when I can't get it perfect. Do what makes you happy and what you are comfortable with. I think I am the crazy one of the two of us!

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