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Old 03-04-2008, 06:44 AM
Quilting Aggi
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Originally Posted by scarlett686_
I love the pictures, the scenry is awesome....and of course I love your impression of karate Kid and his stand.....I love that movie..
you look like you do have a "sweetie" there. He must be a keeper...
Thanks for sharing your beautiful picture with me, and others.....very nice indeed.
Are there any wedding bells in the future with you and your fellow?? you both look like a real nice couple.. The inquiries wants to know. lol
yes he is a real sweetie and a keeper!!! As for wedding bells, none that I hear as of yet... but who knows what the future may bring!! :) I will keep you posted if things in that department advance :)

hee hee Trevor put the camera on 'continuous' photos are took a bunch of photos of me doing my Karate kid kick!!! it was fun!!! We do have our silly moments, but then you would too after half way through an uphill rugged hike and come across the beautiful ocean scenery as we did.. we played around on the beach for over an hour before heading back on the trail and to the cabin.
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