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Old 03-03-2014, 12:41 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: SanAntonio,TX
Posts: 238

I have been sewing for well over 50 years and purchasing fabric , clothing, sheets, blankets,towels and many other things made of fabric, NOTHING gets used or worn that is not washed first this includes dishes, if it is washable it is washed![QUOTE I agree almost every thing we use or ware comes from another country, who knows where it has been!?!=RainyBC;6598358]I don't own a cat, but it wouldn't bother me. As soon as I come in the door, all fabric goes into the washer the same as bed sheets or any other item that may be close to the skin. Then, whether it's cats or whatever else that could be in the fabric is washed (hopefully) away. Most, if not all of these fabrics come from other countries in containers so who knows what they have been exposed to. Toby Bean can come to my house anytime too, my Penny would to play with him.[/QUOTE]
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