Thread: Fabric prices
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Old 03-07-2014, 08:05 AM
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Originally Posted by stillclock View Post
prices range from $10-$20 a meter.

these threads are really starting to chafe. i wish people could understand the slavery economy behind fabric production, and the reality of what it would cost should the true costs of fabric be charged back to the consumer. the environmental impact of industrial cotton production is truly, truly horrifying.

we pay a small fraction of what fabric really costs, both to the humans who make it and to the planet that we take it from.

Isn't that the case with almost ANY product, though? I mean, I get what you're saying, but fabric isn't the only thing like that. It doesn't matter where something is produced, or how, there's always a knock-on effect to the environment. But that doesn't change the fact that I have a limited amount of money with which to buy those products, nor does it change the fact that the cost has doubled in 10 years.
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