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Old 12-17-2009, 10:17 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Fargo, North Dakota
Posts: 286

Originally Posted by Favorite Fabrics
This weekend's newspaper announced that Pantone has named turquoise as the color of the year for 2010.

Is anyone planning on adding more turquoise to their stash? Have you noticed a trend toward turquoise in stores (in general, not just fabric stores)?

The color of the year for 2009 was mimosa yellow. Did you add more yellow to your life this year?

What do you think? Should we care about this? Or is it just another form of marketing?
I work in the kitchen at school & just last week a lot of the kid's were coming through the line with turquoise tops & sweaters & I asked them if that was the new color or what. I guess I was on the right track. I like the color but probably won't add any to my stash unless I need it for a certain quilt.
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