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Old 03-31-2014, 06:41 AM
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Join Date: Jun 2011
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Originally Posted by Kate M View Post
Thanks everyone! I have the feed dog control up but the foot down. The stitch is at 6 (longest stitch on ye ol' machine). I will check the batting... I just grabbed some that was on sale. If that is the problem, boy I will never do that again. I did have the quilt supported in back but it was weighing heavy on the side and from my lap. I did find when I held it up some and fed it, it worked great. Does anyone else do this? It's like I need four arms for this "hobby" haha.
My friend was struggling with quilting a quilt she is making for her daughter because of using fat polyester batting. Most quilters use quality cotton batting such as Hobbs, W&N (found @ JAF) or Dream cotton. You just need support on your left side and behind the DSM if you are going to quilt anything bigger than a lap quilt. I pull out a drawer from my Singer sewing desk (had it for over 40 years) and place a temporary piece of wood on it and the bookcase behind me. Use anything around the house or garage: saw horses, ironing board, TV tray. Look at the old pictures of what was suggested for quilting in the early 80's: flip it onto your left shoulder !!
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