Old 04-02-2014, 01:13 PM
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Originally Posted by buslady View Post
(Some of which are hilariously fanciful - I once dreamt up a program that would control where my dogs would poop in the yard)

OMG I am laughing sooooooo hard. I have been thinking for a couple of weeks now, how am I going to train my dog to poop in one place? LOLOLOLOL Since the snow is melting, I am finding a MESS!!!!! We clean up after him when we can, but this winter was so bad, it would snow before we got out there. Thus, LAYERS of dog poop!! Yuck!!! So, when you get the design done, I want to see it!!
LOL!! It was a REALLY complex program, because I have 3 different dogs. I remember I had to calculate very carefully because they are 3 different heights, so if their feet are at X position, the poop is not going to always fall the same distance from X....

Oh, the crazy things my brain comes up with!!! I'm just glad that dog poop isn't actually part of my daily job! LOL
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