Old 04-29-2014, 08:50 AM
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Originally Posted by carolaug
Very nice....I was just asked to do a King quilt. They want me to make it instead of buying one at Sears...think is...1. no glue how much it will cost me, not including labor...so sad that they make them less then the fabric we can buy. 2. not attachment or love for homemade...so they might as well buy at Sear...3. just no appreciation...I gave him a king quilt I make and spent a lot of time on...he told me to just tell him how much ....which I did not..they would never believe me...so torn...and he wants another one.
It is a shame that people don't understand the costs. When asked to do a quilt, I will give them a break down of costs--$10 a yard x number of yards used(and don't forget backing), an amount for other materials (thread, bat, wear & tear on my machines, utilizes-I just clump this amount and give a list of what's included but don't break it down), then my labor--think about the total time you spend on a quilt--I always say this includes the design, cutting, stitching the top, doing the quilting. If asked I will give that estimate by showing a quilt and saying how much time is in it--so start keeping a rough estimate of how long it's taking you to make a quilt. Some people will balk instantly when presented with an estimate, others will then see the work involved and agree to the quilt. Some will ask why they can get it so much cheaper at Walmart, etc--which is when you point out that those are made overseas where folks work for pennies because they don't have the overhead you do, plus sometimes the quality of materials is much less, plus they may not be handmade. Now, if you are making the quilts anyway just be making quilts, and get an offer for a purchase, I would hope that you are at least asking for payment for the supplies and some, if not all, of your time. I know someone that was taking a loss on materials and the cost of the long arm quilter she uses to make quilts for customers that were not being gifted--she just wasn't sure what to charge and was afraid they would be insulted at the price. good luck!
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