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Old 04-30-2014, 06:24 AM
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Originally Posted by puzzler View Post
This is the first time for Portland; the show was cancelled in California and moved to Portland. The convention center is not where the quilting shows and classes tend to go in Portland; the Expo Center is more commonly used. Parking is slightly more expensive at $10 per day and you should know that Portland is not a "car" city, but focuses on public transit. The MAX line does stop near one of the entrances of the Center. I notice that details include the statement that wheeled vehicles are not allowed on the showroom floor. I don't know if that includes sewing machine totes or the small wagons some use. The convention center is not for people who cannot walk distances or who have heavy items to carry (to a class, for example). Elevators are few--they have escalators--again, difficult to use rolling luggage on. Personally, I have found events there very frustrating and tiring. Odd result really, since I fell in love with Portland (and since moved here) after a Girl Scout event at the old Convention Center, before remodeling. I would ask for input from other Portlanders.
Thank you for that good information. I've driven through Portland many times, but have never stopped. I've always wanted to visit the city, so I think I'll go to this one. I can get around OK, so the escalators don't bother me. I'll just have to carry my sewing machine. However, I'll check with the management first about bringing wheeled cases. Maybe they have lockers, or day storage of some kind there. I'm planning on driving to Portland, but I can park the car at the hotel and use the public transportation. Now, to decide which classes to take.

~ Cindy
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