Thread: 301A question
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Old 05-15-2014, 08:31 AM
Join Date: Mar 2014
Location: Central MA
Posts: 21

Thank you for the replys! I did a little more digging this morning, I think if I understand correctly the 301 short bed were those that could be used in a cabinet and also portable, they have two distinct connections, the standard 3 pin connection on the back of the machine and then the two pin at the base of the machine. The 301's that are the long bed have the 3 pin connector wired for both the controller and the outlet, just like the one I use for my featherweight.

Everything I have read seems to say that the 2 pin connector that connects at the base of the machine should be for the foot controller, and the three pin (with probably only 2 pins wired) should be for the electrical.

I'm thinking that the foot pedal and the 2 pin controller may have been thrown together with this machine by someone who didn't know anything about them.

All that being said, I don't want to cause any electrical problems with the machine so I ordered a new foot controller with the appropriate connector and a new power cord from Sew Classic this morning.

I just wonder as it was sold as "in great working condition".....I guess that is subjective! LOL

I truly appreciate your replys, you are a wonderful group of folks and a great wealth of knowledge for a newbie like me!
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