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Old 05-22-2014, 09:03 PM
Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: Colorado, USA
Posts: 194

I did some embroidery today on light weight denim... and thinking of combining it with selvedges for an exterior. I saw someone online had some skull fabric that had little scissors under the skull (instead of cross bones)... that sure was cute!

I used selvedges on the interior of one bag - not sure I'll ever do that again, either. They didn't show up as much as I would have liked.

I also found this "Stitchy Witchy" fabric - it's got a fun sewing motif to it, too.

And Corgi...(love those dogs, btw - I have two long hair dachshunds - but dang, Corgis are adorable, too!)... Anyway, if it is that lightweight, then it probably would work for the exteriors and maybe the entire bag, too. I didn't make it out today to find the stuff locally (assuming maybe JoAnn's has it?)
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